Update on neighbor who left a note asking for favors. Thoughts?

the neighbor that left a note on my door asking if I could take her car keys, watch her car, watch her apartment, and take her to and from the airport never got helped by me because I put her note on another neighbors door. Long story short, the other neighbor helped her and then vented to me that the neighbor asking for these things never paid for gas nor offered money.

So, that begging neighbor told the neighbor that helped her that the note was meant for me. So the neighbor texted me and told me what she said. I just said, "Oh wow, really? Never got anything, and I don't know her. It would be odd for her to ask me such a favor." The neighbor said I know she doesn't know me either to be just asking and she never gave money for taking her to and from airport.

Anyways, takers have no boundaries. Glad I didn't help her 🤷🏽‍♀️
Update on neighbor who left a note asking for favors. Thoughts?
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