No. That would turn out exactly opposite as you think it would. So the kid with anger issues, from an abused household, or just a straight up sadist is going to get spanked, or simply frustrated with a time out because he knocked someone's teeth out.
They can't take it out on their parents, so little Timmy is getting his face smashed again come the end of suspension. Likely the stakes will be escalated severely. It's better to let kids sort that out between themselves.
Offer a self defense course and weight lifting at school after 6th grade. Problem solved, less fat kids, double whammy. Bullying can be good too, it grounds us in reality.
A kid's future employer will judge them by their ability to be productive, not their ability to endure being punched so I don't see how it is grounding them in reality unless it is for boxing or the military, even in the military of course, fighting between the men is strictly forbidden so it shouldn't be normalized.
Ha, hahaha! Oh man, the rule literally has a clause that it isn't against the rules if the provocation would cause a reasonable man to fight. So it's something that makes your XO or gunny mad to, like calling your wife a slut or something, you can fuck them up.
I can't remember how many fights I got in in the marines, we only had charges come up if someone went to the hospital, are you crazy?
I think that rule is already enforced in a lot of western nations. If a child uses a gun to harm others, the parent could get jailed for murder. Of course, this might only apply to cases that are given public attention.
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Home > Family & Friends > Questions > Should there be a law that parents must punish children if they know they are bullying their peers?
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Hell, no; bullying provides numerous benefits for both the bully and the smaller, weaker beta males whose asses he beats, in my opinion.
No. That would turn out exactly opposite as you think it would. So the kid with anger issues, from an abused household, or just a straight up sadist is going to get spanked, or simply frustrated with a time out because he knocked someone's teeth out.
They can't take it out on their parents, so little Timmy is getting his face smashed again come the end of suspension. Likely the stakes will be escalated severely. It's better to let kids sort that out between themselves.
Offer a self defense course and weight lifting at school after 6th grade. Problem solved, less fat kids, double whammy. Bullying can be good too, it grounds us in reality.
A kid's future employer will judge them by their ability to be productive, not their ability to endure being punched so I don't see how it is grounding them in reality unless it is for boxing or the military, even in the military of course, fighting between the men is strictly forbidden so it shouldn't be normalized.
Ha, hahaha! Oh man, the rule literally has a clause that it isn't against the rules if the provocation would cause a reasonable man to fight. So it's something that makes your XO or gunny mad to, like calling your wife a slut or something, you can fuck them up.
I can't remember how many fights I got in in the marines, we only had charges come up if someone went to the hospital, are you crazy?
I think that rule is already enforced in a lot of western nations. If a child uses a gun to harm others, the parent could get jailed for murder. Of course, this might only apply to cases that are given public attention.