Friend is freezing me out?

My best guy friend and I are extremely close- at least we were up until he started dating his latest girlfriend. We'd chat once a week, usually meet for a drink or just hang out at his apartment or mine and watch tv, play cards, etc. Sometimes alone, sometimes with mutual friends. But for the last 2 months, he's completely pulled away. He doesn't answer texts, doesn't text me, rarely answers calls and if I suggest grabbing a drink, he claims he's got something going on every night of the week. Yet he still has time to see our other mutual friends. We didn't have a fight, I don't have a problem with the new girlfriend- I actually really like her and she seems to be fine with me.

We've been friends for years and have both been in and out of relationships in that time- so it's not like it's a new thing affecting our friendship and he's never pulled away like this before.

I just don't get why he's pulling away and it really hurts. I mean, he says he has no time to hang out with me EVER but then I hear about him hanging out with other mutual friends. OK, granted, they're male friends, but it's never made a difference before so why should it now? I'm not really sure what to do- I never get the opportunity to talk to him one-on-one, so it's not like I can confront him and ask why he's being like this.

Any thoughts on why he might do this?

And we've never been romantically involved btw...
Friend is freezing me out?
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