My best guy friend hates my crush, what do I do?

My crush, let's call him Adam. We've been flirting with each other for some time and everyone around us can tell we like each other. But my best guy friend is less than impressed. These two guys have known each other for years, longer than I have known either. But my guy friend is strongly discouraging me from going out with Adam., but won't tell me why. He just won't. And he is serious because he's saying if I go out with Adam, he's going to distance himself from me. What do I do? I definitely don't want to lose my best guy friend but I also like Adam quite a bit.

It might sound silly that I'm passing up on a chance at love but he knows Adam much better than I do and maybe wants to protect me from getting hurt? I'm so lost. And it's not like my guy friend likes me too since he has his own girlfriend and they're a great couple.
Listen to the friend
Ignore the friend
Other, please explain
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My best guy friend hates my crush, what do I do?
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