Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face

Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face

Ever put a pair of glasses or a hat on and just thought, this doesn't look right on me? It could be because of your face shape. Just like we all have different bodies where different clothes look better or worse on some than others, the same applies for our faces. There is a sort of pleasing visual balance that certain combinations create over others and why we feel that somethings don't make us look our best. Knowing how to create this balance and what shape you have can eliminate some shopping time and bring the focus to what looks good on you, and not just some mannequin or someone else.

A good first step is figuring out what face shape you have:

Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face


When it comes to finding a good hat, things head size and width, material, and brim size come into play when trying to find what flatters your shape. For example, if you have a very long face, certain hats and hat shapes can help shorten the length vs. adding more to it.

Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face


An easy way to think of the right glasses shape is the rounder and softer the shape of the face, the more you want to go for a square or sharper and more angular pair of glasses because you're helping to create balance by adding a bit of structure to your curves vs. if you have a very strong more square and angular face, a less edgy rounder pair of glasses will help literally take the edge off your face and make it less severe.

Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face
Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face


Again, with earrings, it's about playing with your porportions. If you have for example, a very wide round face, adding a big bulky round hoop earring is only going to make your face appear much wider because you're adding more volume around the widest parts of your face vs. say a stud or a drop earring in particular which draws the eye down towards the neck and away from the width of the face.

Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face

Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face

Find The Right Hat, Glasses, and Earrings for Your Face
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