The Case Against Makeup (And Why it Sucks)


More and more frequently, we're seeing men who boldly testify that they prefer women (read: generalized statement) to wear little to no makeup.

The Case Against Makeup (And Why it Sucks)

Personally, I don't believe this is the case at all. I think men have been grossly mislead about what natural women truly look like without a drop of makeup and that really, what a man wants is actually a woman who doesn't need to wear makeup to look attractive.

On average, a woman will fall into the 4-6 range on the attractiveness scale, but if done correctly and subtly, she can bump herself up to a 7 or 8 with makeup applied. Men may not even realize a pretty girl is wearing makeup until they see her without it, which might garner an internal reaction equal to that of a toddler whose mind is blown away when Uncle Ricky "steals" the nose right off his face.

The Case Against Makeup (And Why it Sucks)

It might be an unpopular notion to consider, but you may actually like makeup to an extent since you've been so thoroughly tricked by the "no-makeup" makeup look to think that a girl's natural face is when she's wearing concealer, perhaps foundation, mascara, blush, bronzer, and tinted lip gloss.

The Case Against Makeup (And Why it Sucks)

This is just a theory, but overall, it's probably most accurate to say that you don't want the average woman without makeup, you want a beautiful woman whose looks are only sullied by the addition of various goo products.

The Case Against Makeup (And Why it Sucks)
86 Opinion