Why I Got Plastic Surgery


Why I Got Plastic Surgery

I had a large, bulbous, and droopy nose. The kids in elementary school constantly made fun of me. It was so bad that I developed low self esteem issues from it. When the boy I was crushing on found out I liked him he reacted by punching my arm. As a result, I became a loner and didn’t get to have normal friendships.

Why I Got Plastic Surgery

I carried that with me through middle school. Except now I had big boobs so boys paid attention to me. What I told myself was that they would only be interested in my body and not my face. One day I’d feel extremely confident and the next day I’d be down in the dumps.

High school was the same except at least I had made one consistent friend, who I got to meet new people trough, and got a boyfriend sophomore year. Despite that, my self esteem issues were already so bad that I went into depression and ruined that relationship.

Why I Got Plastic Surgery

Early 20s I went out a lot with my friend, who was more social and therefore brought along her other friends. They were/are prettier and more confident than me so they would get approached mostly. Straight up 9-10s in my eyes so I dreaded taking selfies with them because they always looked so much better even without trying. Eventually I just had to accept it.

Fast forward to mid 20s and the cycle of comparison gets to me. I don’t have a set career, no direction, no education and my self esteem is still suffering. Nose is still ugly and too big. So I decided to just go ahead and deal with it.

Got my nose done in October of last year. Deep down this is what I’ve always wanted. For a normal nose. To finally take a selfie and not cringe. It was meant to be.

Not me
Not me

Fast forward present day... I LOVE my new nose...but I still have no direction. My social skills are still lacking. My new nose can’t get me a better job and now I have even more financial debt... But hey at least I can take a selfie and not fully cringe. I do have more confidence in my looks I suppose, and I like when I catch men making glances at me.

When I go home alone, I still look at the flaws in my face but they’re not as major. Sure, I still feel the need to use filters and face morphing apps to look better. That confession stings a little. I guess that’s the result after many years of mental conditioning I did to myself.

Would I do it again? Yes, and I wish I would have done it sooner.

Why I Got Plastic Surgery
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