Is Beauty Subjective?

Explain why you thinks it's true or false. Elaborated opinions are appreciated and you can share some scientific facts too. #Beauty

Beauty (definition) = Physical beauty, something that's pleasing to the eye to look at. It may be a person you likes to look at for a long time. It may be attraction, but don't have to be it.

My Opinion:

I think it's proven by science that some features are liked by most people around the globe like symmetry, a healthy appearance, thick hair, clear skin, masculinity/femininity, in a gender, no deformity etc. I still think beauty is in the eye of the beholder. People have different preferences in colors, facial features, body shapes and fashion. Some prefer to date blacks, while others prefer either Asian or whites for instance. In Asia light skin is fashionable, while in the West tan is preferred. In Mauritania they likes fat women, while in the West slim. In some African tribes they use lip plates and do skin scarring. In old China they did foot binding, in old France corsets and so on. Beauty may be a bit evolution, but mostly culturally, a social construct and taught. You gets taught by the celebrities, the wealthy, the media, your friends and families what's beautiful. The societies around the globes have different beauty standards. Yet people have different preferences. Most people thinks Ryan Gosling and Channing Tantum are handsome in the West, but I finds them average looking. I think Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom and Aidan Turner looks good, but many are disagree.

In art we also have different preferences. I likes classical art; both paintings, drawings, sculptures, architecture, some fashion, interior, music etc. I like the aesthetic of much of the ancient, Renaissance, medieval, 1800s and early 1900s arts. I've mixed feelings about the art in modernism, but usually finds post-modern art ugly to look at so I gets a cold feeling of it. I think conceptual art tends to be the most disastrous ones.
Is Beauty Subjective?
Yes (Explain Why)
No (Explain Why)
It's something in between - not objective/subjective (Explain Why)
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Is Beauty Subjective?
68 Opinion