How do you feel about men in suits?

Is there anyone out there who doesn't think a man looks great in a suit?
I know a suit is a uniform of sorts, a mandatory item for certain professions, but a well-tailored suit, or sportjacket ensemble is just so polished, finished, and smart looking. I'm a sucker for them. I don't expect or like men to be in them all the time, but especially when it's for certain occasions, they just make the man look so good. Yum.

Here's some questions on the topic:
1. How do you feel about men in uniforms? I know a lot of women love military uniforms, etc. It doesn't do much for me, personally (I really like self-expression/choice, and I'm not for authority), but I get it. What do you like about it? What do you find more attractive/think looks better - a man in his own suit that he chose, or a man in uniform?
2. What about sportcoats? Prefer the looser, mix and match aspect of a jacket that does not have matching pants? I love this look too. So many possibilities. More casual, but also a great look. Just depends on how much formalness is required.
3. Do you like this trend of very slim cuts? Do you think they've gone overboard, too tight? I notice even on very fit celebrities, they gain a little bit of weight, either in fat or muscle, and the suit ends up pulling ('whiskering') in unflattering ways (you see this not just with buttoning the jacket, but the thigh or calf area being tight.) I suspect this style came about from a combination of metrosexuality, showing off and flattering the male form more, and a deliberate change of styles to encourage people to buy more.
4. What do you think of the brighter blue suits that became very popular in the last few years? I never liked it, and am over it, personally. I'd like to see some other new ideas, like a very subtle additional colour being woven into a menswear plaid, for ex. Dark tones look really good this way. Any other ideas you'd like to see? Do you feel you have enough opportunity for self-expression?
5. Tie or no tie?
A. 3-piece charcoal grey suit, accessorized
B. Single-breasted black suit, evening wear, AFTERNOON SWEXY (Model David Agbodji)
C. Classic, yet modern cut, 2-piece light grey suit
D. 2019 sportcoat and jeans, all fitted, slim cut
E. Sportcoat ensemble, day to casual evening, Polo Ralph Lauren 2016
F. Casual weekend alternative, Polo Ralph Lauren 2016
G. Clothes? What clothes. Pajamas or naked is better (especially when it's model Jason Morgan)
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How do you feel about men in suits?
31 Opinion