Can I wear this with these boots or is it too much (# I’m in the country lots of dirt bugs and rocks so boots are not unheard of -Even in summer)?

{{scars worse on lower leg I tend to not wear shorts W/ low shoes }}This is once again not primarily a “how do I look” question. I’m posting it under “ how do I look” bc I want assurance of its deletion in 24 hours.

(The pictures look weird in general. They are bumpy and I’m tokd I look wider in pic than irl— but you still get the idea of boots with romper. Also, My left leg is on the storage container bc the books were falling. In case anyone noticed and was going to ask😛🤓)

Thank You 💗
The bumps-That’s not my leg -that’s pixels. I have scars on the front but no bumps on the side lol
The bumps-That’s not my leg -that’s pixels. I have scars on the front but no bumps on the side lol
Can I wear this with these boots or is it too much (# I’m in the country lots of dirt bugs and rocks so boots are not unheard of -Even in summer)?
Too much
It’s OK
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Can I wear this with these boots or is it too much (# I’m in the country lots of dirt bugs and rocks so boots are not unheard of -Even in summer)?
42 Opinion