Is it weird/wrong for a guy to wear very short shorts?

At first I used to wear long, baggy shorts, below the knee...

But one time I saw a guy wearing shorts that went like a good 5 inches above his knees, and got even shorter when sitting. And he looked SO good. I admired his confidence. And he was really nice too, so I became his friend, and wanted to be just like him, heh.

At first, I began with knee-length shorts... then I upgraded to 1 inch above the knee... then 2 inches above the knee... then 3 inches above the knee... and so on and so forth.

Till finally, I ended up wearing mid-thigh, slightly shorter than mid-thigh, 3-5 inch inseam shorts, lol. Like these examples.
Short shorts, I know, lol.
Short shorts, I know, lol.
VERY short. But I love them!
VERY short. But I love them!
I feel a lot more confident, comfortable, hot, sexy, and most importantly, FREEEEEEEEEEEE...

But I still get weird looks and disapproving glances from time to time, lol.

But I am a femboy, with nice shaved legs, painted nails, and no facial hair. So it kind of fits in, I'd say.
Yes, it's weird/wrong.
No, it's not weird/wrong.
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Is it weird/wrong for a guy to wear very short shorts?
7 Opinion