Can men be happy with girls who aren’t the most beautiful and not under 25?

I know this sounds silly. But I spend my life on the internet. Okay so I should get out in the world? Males rejected me when I was in the public world. I did not match the phenotype of my peers. Now mixed girls are considered more cute and exotic and attractive. But I just feel ugly and sef hate and OCD has led me to pick at the acne that I’ve been suffering with for the past15 years. I’m like a meth addict I really get in there and leave sores on my face. And I also cut off all my hair out of self hate and keep obsessively cutting it and not allowing it to grow because I think it is uneven. I know what y’all are already gonna say, that my attitude is th e problem and what will scare people away. But I need to know that even if I fix my attitude i still won’t be seen as ugly. Because if I’m still ugly with a good attitude. I don't know I just want to die I just want to feel attractive.
Can men be happy with girls who aren’t the most beautiful and not under 25?
8 Opinion