Do You Care What The Opposite Gender Wants Your Appearance To Be?


like, i get it, certain things your opposite gender finds attractive that you don't find attractive about yourself. like, for example, people say i look good in saree and my personal opinion of me in a saree is i look fat and too traditional, both of which i detest, one more than the other, and many guys would also be of the opinion that i don't look as good in a gown as i do in salwar kameez — BUT I DON'T LIKE SALWAR KAMEEZ, AND MOM THINKS NOT CARING ABOUT MY OPPOSITE GENDER'S OPINION ON MY DRESS MAKES ME LESS APPROACHABLE.

so while choosing outfit, do you care what your opposite gender is gonna assume based on that?

another example, 😒

Do You Care What The Opposite Gender Wants Your Appearance To Be?

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Do You Care What The Opposite Gender Wants Your Appearance To Be?
42 Opinion