What’s the best compliment you’ve received today?


Going to brag, not so humbly, if anyone’s annoyed you can avoid the post 😄

So, past break up I was so depressed in the last 9 months, in a mourning stage and was even not wearing my style, I was dressing modestly, trying not to be noticed, however, I think I am finally over it.

These days I started wearing the type of clothes that suits my body better, not too tight, not too revealing, just the type that enhances my body shape.

And today in the office, my Chinese coworkers were like “Whoa, how you are so sexy! Bring the tape measure, she’s got such a tiny waist. They measured themselves and then measured me and they all look quite skinny, they have got skinnier legs than me as well, but to my surprise I had the smallest waist. And I always knew I had a very good waist to hip ratio, have bee told that many times, but since I was hiding my body for long, didn’t remember the people’s reactions.” I felt really happy and felt like that’s definitely a highlight of my day.

I now walk outside, cause feels good to turn heads hehe.

What’s the best compliment you’ve received today?
10 Opinion