Would you dump your girlfriend for a more attractive girl that is more your type?

Would you dump your girlfriend for a more attractive girl that is more your type?

Before you say yes or no to try and please others just go anon and give me a totally honest answer please.
No that's messed up
Yes why not
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+1 y
Ill give a little more info.. so there's this guy that iv had a crush on for awhile and when he was single I was in a relationship. Now I'm single and he's in a relationship :( anyway I knoe he's more attracted to me than her because he told my ex when we were still together. We have a lot in common also.

I'm not trying to be a homewrecking whore and am not trying to even hit on him or anything I'm jist curious as to if he knew I was interested what the chances of him leaving her are.

+1 y
Yes. I Know I'm a horrible person :(
+1 y
Thank you all very much for your opinions :)
Would you dump your girlfriend for a more attractive girl that is more your type?
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