The Wonderous Flirty Eyes

Just a few weeks into joining this site, I saw most of the questions posted are more to do on reading those invisible lines that people think might be flirting, and to top it all to make aggressive conclusions based upon a similar feeling that might have happened with someone...

I could never remember when the subtle art of flirting was imbibed in me, but it just came natural to me (guess being cute, intelligent...never made me think I am socially unwanted cause I was a little on the heavier side). So I just went along the path that destiny had traced out for me...
Gogus olculeri

I saw my first racks at the tender age of 14, when this youthful senior saw something in my body language that made her cum in her pants. Man! The only language I knew back then was a little of computers and perhaps English. And when I asked my teacher, I do remember something being in the form of a red mark on my cheeks remnant of a slap that had just left my face. That's when I deduced that language did imply working of other parts as well...eye most importantly...guess when I asked her my eyes were doing a composition of their own on her body, and she didn't like that cheesy attitude from a junior :-)

Eyes can pickup many subtle messages.

As I read in a women's magazine sometime back besides observing gross body postures and movements, the eyes can detect tiny changes in the bodies of others. Laboratory instrumentation has shown that some of these slight changes are detected at the subconscious level and affect blood flow related to sexual arousal.

Wow!!! So here's my take on what I perceive where eyes should be in the entire fracas over the numerous years I spent mastering this art...

Compared to the primates, only humans have a white area around the center colored portion of their eye. And even though the male eye is slightly larger than the female eye, the female eye has a higher proportion of white showing. Women interested in attracting male attention will do well to use wide-eyed and darting eye movements to flash as much eye white area as often as possible.

Men are attracted to young healthy women because they have the best success in producing healthy offspring. Bright, white areas in a woman's eyes plus long, thick eye lashes are excellent indicators of female good health. Women know how their eye contact can activate men's hormones and interest. Therefore women are very careful to avoid eye contact with men in public - unless they want attention. If a woman wants attention from a man, she knows eye contact (plus a little smile) is one of the fastest ways to get it.

"Women are very careful to avoid eye contact with men in public - unless they want attention."
One of the important considerations for men choosing a mate is the female's age. Age difference is not as important to women, but men in all cultures prefer young women. Over eons this selection criteria by men has been to their advantage for producing the maximum number of healthy offspring. Young women have the least chromosome damage and therefore have the best chance in producing healthy babies.

An unconscious cue men use to recognize youth in a woman is the size of her ears compared to the size of her eyes. The ears and nose continue to grow constantly as we age but the eye size remains nearly the same throughout life. Cartoonists know this and use it to make their characters appear young and appealing by drawing them with large eyes and small nose and ears.

Women throughout history have also taken advantage of this fact and made themselves look younger by using makeup to increase the apparent size of their eyes. And for enough money, surgery can change the nose and ears to remove a decade or two.

Here is a flirting signal women often use during conversation with a man. As she speaks, she looks to her upper right side. This does two things. First, a large area of white is revealed indicating 'femaleness' and good health. Second, looking up to the right indicates she is thinking mental pictures about the FUTURE. That might raise his curiosity! He may wonder, "Is she picturing the same thing I am?" (Probably not!)

If she looks up to her left (your right), this indicates she is thinking mental pictures about the PAST (Maybe she is recalling last night!). These eye movement patterns are done naturally by nearly everyone who thinks with mental pictures. (Some small numbers of people think in sounds and some with feelings.) Of course if this looking up and to the right is an attention-getting flirting step, first it should be enhanced with an abundance of eye mascara, eye shadow and perfectly shaped healthy eye brows. This body language movement can greatly stimulate a man when done slowly and with a coy head tilt. It is an art form that the best flirters develop to a highly effective level.

Our eyes are very expressive and send many body language messages in numerous ways. For example:
  • Glistening eyes from extra tear duct secretion causes a twinkling and glittering look that indicates strong emotion. This could be either distress, short of crying or excitement such as passion, or triumph.

  • Narrowing the eyes deliberately indicates anguish and distaste and may be used by directing it to another who is the source of that feeling.

  • Glaring eyes are used to intimidate. This cue is also used by many animals. In males it may immediately trigger fight or flight responses accompanied with hormone release.

  • Unfocused eyes mean a person's mind is wandering and not paying attention. Literally, they are not focused!

  • Lowering the eyes indicates modesty or submission. This relates to the bow as a sign of respect to others or feeling of inferiority.

  • A wink with the closed eye directed at a person implies a shared secret. When winking at an opposite sex stranger it implies you have undisclosed desire for them.

  • Frequent blinking during conversation indicates high interest. Some females use a rapid flutter of their eyelashes to get a man's attention.

Since the eyes are our most powerful body language message transmitters, here are some general rules about using your eyes:
It is OK to look into the eyes of another person for longer periods of time than normal when you:
  • Like or love them.

  • Are far apart and trying to improve communication.

  • Are deeply interested in what they are saying.

  • Know they are extroverted and like being close.

  • Are expecting an answer or response from someone.

  • Are trying to dominate and intimidate someone.

Because the eyes pass so much information to the brain each second, they are a powerful tool you can use to send powerful messages. One message you might want to send to someone you want to get intimate with is this: "I really want you to get closer to me emotionally and physically so much that I can't take my eyes off you." To send this message all you have to do is look into their eyes, with a soft gentle smile, and think that message silently while you hold the gaze. Yes, literally don't take your eyes off them!

"The dark center of the eye, called the pupil, is constantly sending unconscious body language messages."
Now don't get too obnoxious! If they are not interested in you, they might call for help or tell you bluntly (and publicly) to quit stalking them! However they may feel complimented by your interest in them, or think you have something to tell them like, "You have spinach in your teeth!" In any case they will be moved to speak to you to break the disconcerting gaze that they are not use to receiving. From here you are on your own to use your charm to get even closer.

The dark center of the eye, called the pupil, is constantly sending unconscious body language messages. Since the pupil can not be controlled consciously it is an excellent and reliable broadcaster of emotions. When the pupil is closed down to a small opening (when not in bright light) it indicates a lack of interest or something distasteful. Dilated (wide open) pupils indicate high interest. When talking to a partner of the opposite sex, this high interest really may be 'desire'. When a person looks around, at the mouth and maybe even lower body parts, there is 'lust in those orbs'!

There are whole veins of diamonds in thine eyes, Might furnish crowns for all the Queens of earth.
~ Philips J Bailey

The Wonderous Flirty Eyes
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