The Other Side Of The Dating Scene

Ok boys, I get you're upset that you have to initiate things, for the most part pay, and risk rejection when it comes to dating, but there are crappy sides for the girl as well. I think it's important to understand both sides, it helps reconcile angry feelings and creates a more aware person. I hate social settings so having to go and ask someone if they'd like to go somewhere with me would be horrifying. I get it. I emphasize with it. I'm grateful I dot deal with it. But heres what gets my goat, guys think us girls sit around sighing waiting for some inevitable male to come up and ask us out. Want to see a bit into the woman's world?
Here are some downsides to dating for the female counterpart:

1. When you get rejected, we are jerks. We are ruthless bezees for turning you down. You put your heart in a platter and we had to turn it away. I assure you most girls don't like to. In fact, it's awkward, uncomfortable, and a downer honestly. Girls feel pressured to say yes because they're ungrateful snobs if they don't in guys eyes. I can see why, "I got you all these flowers, swallowed my pride to write you this stupid poem, worked up the nerve to ask and you say no?!" But on the other hand we REALiZE the time and effort put into it so its sort of like, "oh crap....great"

2. When your friend crush rejects you, we also lose a friend. I don't know about boys but girls don't see all guy friends as potential boyfriends or hook ups. Some are just really good close friends. So when you ask her out and she says no, because leading you on is actually the worse thing to do, it's upsetting for her too. I lost a good friend this way. Friends for five years, he asked me out and afterward acted very nervous and strange around me. We just drifted apart after that and it was really sad for me. And then I get crap for "breaking his heart"

Which leads me to a huge crap factor of sating on the girls side:

dating advice
3. It's as f we are obligated to like you. You ask us out and it's like BAM you snagged yourself a lady friend. So when she says no or refuses another date guys assemble together to discuss the "traitor" of their bro. (K that was an exaggeration but you get it) it's like we are supposed to rearrange our feelings to like you all of a sudden because you like me. This entitlement complex in quite a few guys is actually quite frustrating.

4. It can be awkward. If you're not feeling it chances are we aren't either. But you're most likely paying. So we feel a duty to entertain you because contrary to popular belief, we do realize you are sacrificing your wallet for us. If the date is a flop, ou feel crappy because you initiated it, but we feel crappy because its like you spent all this money to have a good time and we failed.

5. Also contrary to popular belief, girls are NOT approached all the time. Guys on here say they're so lonely and hate women because they get SO much attention while they, being "nice guys" don't get anything. Wait am I secretly a guy? I get approached or flirted at probably like five times a year. And asked out maybe once or twice. And I would say I am at least average. So when us girls get up early so we don't look horrific, everyday for years and get nothing from it, girls start to feel like crap. Kinda like the guys. (Wait what?! Guys and girls have similar feelings?! BS!)

So you know, it takes two to tango, and it takes two to have a crappy date, flirting experience. I hope this sort of enlightens some bitter boys so they can know they can be bitter with girls too. Lets all ban together and complain about how sucky dating is!
The Other Side Of The Dating Scene
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