Guy talking loud to get my attention after he rejected me?

He's moving but was kind of a jerk about the whole thing in terms of avoiding me and not calling me. I told him I wanted to be friends and for whatever reason, he never made an effort to text or call- maybe to be nice since I liked him, or maybe Because he didn't care.

I've been out on campus but pretended not to see him and to just have fun with my friends the last month or so. The other day I saw him and all my friends were laughing and we were the life of the party. I said hello, talked politely, but made sure I was the first to leave. But then the rest of the night, he talked really loud (like very, very, very obviously) trying to get my attention. It was funny- we are in our late twenties, and I thought this game would be over.

Why would he want to get my attention if he rejected me? Why not just be friends and act normal and mature? Regardless, I feel awesome about the situation haha.
Guy talking loud to get my attention after he rejected me?
1 Opinion