We haven't texted for 4 days. He texted me last saying back gn. Am I supposed to text him? I feel like he's not interested?

Hey, overthinker here. I've been texting this guy for 2 weeks I think. And I've had a feeling sometimes like I'm putting more effort, asking more questions, having more elaborate answers, hence that I'm more interested. Then when I could see that the flow of the convo is getting lost and I'd give up, he'd get it back. Like if I'd only send him a thumbs up as an anwer (bc his reply was smth basic I couldn't reply anything to), giving him a chance to just never ever reply again bc it seemed he wasn't into it, he'd ask me a question and get the convo going again. The last time we spoke he even sent me a video of himself. But his replys are always so less detailed than mine and dry, I feel he's not into it. Anyway. So the last time we texted was 4 days ago, I went to sleep and told him gn to end the convo and he wished me gn back. That's the last text. He didn't text me again neither did I bc I was giving him a way out again. Now I'm thinking that maybe he thinks I'm ignoring him. But I think it's not really my turn to text and if he was really interested, he'd do it. I don't know. The last two times before that, I was the one to text first bc we always ended texting the night before by me saying gn and him replying. So if we texted gn and his message was last, am I ignoring him if I don't text him first. Or is he ignoring me by not texting me first aka he just doesn't want to continue texting me so he's using this chance to "get rid of me"?
Blaaaah 🤯🤯🤯
We haven't texted for 4 days. He texted me last saying back gn. Am I supposed to text him? I feel like he's not interested?
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