I’m flirting with every guy I see in public, so what am I doing wrong?


It’s like guys aren’t thirsty anymore.

I’m flirting with every guy I see in public, so what am I doing wrong?

I’m literally throwing myself with whatever/whoever guy I encounter with in public.

From walking around the neighborhood to guys at the stores.

I just introduce myself and strike up a conversation with wit and flirtatious humor. But it’s always short lived and we go our separate ways. Like strangers 😑

Just this week I was flustered with my new primary care doctor and we were talking. That I was embarrassed and turning red. Then this morning I was talking with this cashier at the gas station. Only for me to hurry up and pay for my stuff cause of the other customers.

*sigh* I wish I was a teenager or my early twenties. And use this strength and confidence I have now to talk to guys who were thirsty back then. But I was a super shy girl. Who thought if I played hard to get, a man would come my way. But it never happened.

So what am I doing wrong?

I’m flirting with every guy I see in public, so what am I doing wrong?
2 Opinion