Does my crush like me or is she just being nice?

I’m in collage & I said hey to my friend & my other classmates & my crush. I said hey to her and she smiled at me & said hey back, & when it was time for us to go into the classroom , everyone went to different areas of the room. Me & my friend plus my crush was all sitting behind the computers, my crush sat next to me & she also playfully pointed her finger at me & said no sleep because i was really tired & I was yawning I could barely stay awake she’s still teasing me about that. But after a few minutes the teacher came in and he told us to get our folders me & my classmates each got our folders & hole paper punch our student assessment for cooking. My crush got up & hole paper punched my student assessment paper without me even asking her, she came back & told me I owe her 5 pounds. I told her I’m not giving her any money we both laughed. Then we play family feud the teacher did that because after we get back from half term we’re going to be taking a test. So the teacher told us to all come together & my crush was really close to me & her leg would brush up against mine a few times I’m thinking about telling her how I feel when we go back to college on October 31 but the thing is I’m confused because I don’t know if she’s being friendly or if she likes me back
Does my crush like me or is she just being nice?
5 Opinion