- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
You that you women create this problem for yourselves (and for men). Half of you are always complaining that men don't realize when a woman is flirting with them, and the other half are always complaining they can't be friendly because guys will mistake it for flirting. Do see the problem here?
If women could just be straightforward and honest rather than playing games and expecting men to read their minds, everyone would be better off.
30 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
Experienced guys usually can, but younger and inexperienced guys often don't know the difference. Like they can't read body language or when a woman is simply being polite.
00 Reply
- 1 y
Dense ones can't. There's wise needles in the haystack. Keep looking.
10 Reply
- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
I think you should explain it here so guys can tell the difference.
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
958 opinions shared on Flirting topic. Let me help you out.
DON'T be nice. Be polite to men you aren't interested in, but not "nice."
Men - men who are single, anyway - aren't looking to be your friend, so stop thinking you can be "just friends" with them. You can't, because they can't. You can be either a casual acquaintance, or you can be a girlfriend/sex interest. There's no middle ground. So if you are just looking to be a casual acquaintance, just be polite, but maintain a distance. Don't flirt, don't be "nice."
Single guys don't want female "friends" unless they think there's a possibility of sex with that "friend." That's just how men are wired (yes, there are rare exceptions to every rule). So accept that truth and your life will be much simpler.
00 Reply- 1 y
you can have the most polite conversation with a guy and he'll ask you for a blowjob... you can flirt with a guy and he'll ask you for a blowjob... so i guess it doesn't matter all guys want their cocks sucked by a pretty girl... and they do start with a blowjob rather than anything else.
00 Reply - 1 y
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Most men are use to a cold demeanor from women. When a woman deviates from that it makes a man wonder if she's interested. Secondly you have shy women who are anything but direct. To a lot of them just getting the courage to talk to a guy is all she can muster. Put those 2 concepts together and most men take any interaction that is not cold as interest.
00 Reply Still waiting for the asker to explain exactly the difference between being nice and flirting - besides guys just magically being able to read minds and know.
00 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Flirting topic. Most guys take everything as flirting. It is so annoying.
01 Reply- AskerNew 1 y
They do! It is
- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
No, we can't tell the difference. Why? Because except for in your own female minds, THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.
I know, I know... we should be able to read your minds. Shame on us.
12 Reply- Asker1 y
For example, when you’re polite to another guy, are you flirting or being nice? Same concept. You’re being nice.
- Opinion Owner1 y
YOU know you're just being nice, but how can he know? Tell us the difference so we can distinguish between the two. Please be very specific. Go on now.
- 1 y
Sometimes when it's obvious but I feel like I have a hard time telling the difference
01 Reply- 1 y
That's why I just assume they are always being nice tho
- 1 y
So if a woman told me that I have a nice smile is she being nice or is she flirting? I don’t think she’s being nice or flirting but I wanna know what you think
00 Reply - 1 y
I think the issues is more that girls don't tend to be nice to us when we are younger. As you get older you meet more people and figure it out.
00 Reply I definitely can not
00 Reply- 1 y
Yep can tell
00 Reply 1.4K opinions shared on Flirting topic. almost never
00 Reply
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