Is he attracted to me or is he being friendly?

I have known this guy friend for about 5 months now and I think he enjoys my company a lot. He will sometimes hang around my friends with me and he talks with me in those scenarios. He will sometimes DM me videos saying "thats you" or inviting me to play some games with him. He does make an effort to talk to me casually everyday, including making comments on my profile posts. He has asked some generic questions about my life, like what I study, age, where I live, what I am interested in (e. g. hobbies/movies). He teases me a lot calling me a grandma, a weirdo, an alien etc.

We have spoken one on one but I find it a bit awkward, mainly because he is quiet and I am the chatterbox - I am always chatting to him and starting topics when he interacts with me. Sometimes he will come up to me to talk but he does not really have a topic in mind, just asks yes or no questions and just hangs around me so I blabber.

Most of our interactions are pure banter, through texting. If we hang out it is more teasing and proper conversation. I am assuming his shy but I am not sure, sometimes I feel like he is playing me because I am always leading the conversation when he wants to chat to me.

I do not mind if his shy but I feel like I am the one putting in some effort.

Is he attracted to me or is he being friendly?
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