How shouldi approach this situation?


This follow up to my last question which I have some reasonable doubts that I should just let things go.

Quick summary girl (25) confessed to Me (30) she has a little crush on me and make her blush a lot. It's long distance thing so there's that. Somethings she do makes me question if I should pursue it as I fell for her too hard but I'm trying work out my own demons. But how can you work out that she message other guys and tell me these things.

Guy 1 - she said he was cute. When I showed her a picture of me. She liked it ( heart) but move to another topic, even though she asked how I looked like.
Guy 2 - he confessed his feelings to her. They talk and she told me they have little sessions that makes her laugh. Meanwhile I'm scrapping by with flirting and making her blush. Like why can't she be more creative with chat games ( 2 truths and a lie, meme sharing etc) with me. Everything I do was creative and she just follows along.
Guy 3 - she said she had a dream about him even though she only seen his profile picture and he probably showing her and telling her God knows what.

My thing is no human should be this oblivious to know this will make a person jealous or your not going get reaction your expecting if tell the guy you has little crush on that these guys does these things. Fir record she enjoys my company everyday, when chat live we get good laughs in and flirty and dirty talking. Etc. Share pictures, food, not a moment go by where she's telling me her life story. So how should handle this situation. Can't control her but same time this was last straw for me.

How shouldi approach this situation?
2 Opinion