Is My Professor Flirting?

Okay I'm 20, he's 40 something married with kids. I'd never do anything with him but I do have a crush on him, that being said I it's more intellectual than physical. I just want to know other people's opinions as to what he is doing because I think he likes me more than the average student but not in a romantic way. I also just think we are flirting with each other for fun. Anyways here are some of the things we do:

-Before class starts I'll find him staring at me and when I catch him we say hello to each other and sometimes start small chat

-If he sees me outside class doing another class' work, he teases me about it

-He winked at me when I laughed at something he said

-He looks at me more when I'm smiling or laughing at something he said

-I'll go against something he says in class and he will call me out (both of us just being funny)

-Sometimes if he mentions a topic in class that we have talked about alone he will look at me, not all the time

-Has touched my shoulder 3x, 2 for reassurance and once because he brushed against me accidentally

-He will playfully verbally attack me sometimes

-We both catch little attitudes with each other (I've seen him do this with other students but they don't react like I do they just act like it doesn't happen)

-Said I was a pleasant and nice person and a good student

-When I show cleavage (I have a decent amount) he barely looks at me, almost like he is scared

-I told him about my job and he asked where it was

-We have had small talk about a social network and he mentions it more in class now, before he never mentioned it

-At his office hours he started cursing more (not in a vulgar way) and before he never really did and now in class he curses more

-I've met with him in his office a couple of times and now we are more relaxed with each other in class

-We use to just flirt in office hours but now he is doing it more during class time when before we'd do nothing

-He laughs pretty hard at the "jokes"/things I say (I've kinda seen him do this with other students but I don't pay much mind)

-He told a couple of students, during a review session I was also in, that I'm mean to him (playful) during our office hours lmao

-Teased me and said he would judge me if I failed his test and grimace if I said something dumb in class but then said I'd only do it to mess with you not seriously

-He's told me little stories about his wife and kids (nothing overly personal)

So what do you all think?

Is My Professor Flirting?
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