Do you prefer grain or grass fed beef?

I know grass fed is technically better for you and higher quality but I've done both and honestly don't see the hype in terms of flavor and texture profile. I guess because I always ate grain fed as a kid? Grass fed doesn't satisfy me the same for some reason. The taste is a bit off to me every time. But how do you feel?
Do you prefer grain or grass fed beef?
Grass Fed
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+1 y
I already know some of you are vegan and vegetarian. no worries lol
+1 y
I just had Corned Beef from a can for the first time today. It was Great Value brand to boot. I enjoyed it more than a freaking cheeseburger and i put mustard and hot sauce over it and ate the whole damn can in blissful, gluttonous, pleasure. I am officially a peasant.
Do you prefer grain or grass fed beef?
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