Do you have a baby face? I’m 25 and look like I’m 15-20 and it’s making me depressed help?

Ever since I was a senior in highscool people thought I was in elementary school 10-13 years old. I never went through puberty and always had a baby voice very squeaky. As I get older my voice doesn’t change. I’m 25 & still have a baby voice I don’t have a grown mature women voice. People call me mija which means dear or sweetheart or smile in a cute way like you stare at a baby. I’m 4”11 and have a baby face. With makeup I look like I’m 20. I thought I was shopping at the grocery store looking like a grown ass women and no people see me as a child. Maybe a teenager. It’s making me very depressed. I have a boyfriend but prob men see me as a little girl instead of a women they can date. My landlord & people she knows calls me young tenant or young girl. it’s giving me huge depression. You don’t call a 25/26 year old women cute or dear or sweetie. Is there any type of injection I can get to change my voice? My voice isn’t going through puberty at all it gets more babyish as I get older. More squeaky.

Do you have a baby face? I’m 25 and look like I’m 15-20 and it’s making me depressed help?
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