What's the sickest you ever been (gross warning)?


I don't get sick that very often. Maybe once or twice a year. Yesterday takes the fucking cake, I wanted to die.

So I'm not too sure what caused it. I'm very good with washing my hands and using preventative measures. I can only think food poisoning, but from what? I had spaghetti yesterday. Ground beef was fully cooked. Then later on had a peanut butter honey sandwich. I felt strangely overly full despite not eating much. I laid down for a bit, then all hell broke loose. I couldn't stop throwing up, was like a peanut butter brown color. I threw up violently close to about 40 times. Had severe diarrhea or however tf you spell it. It was terrible. I couldnt get off the toilet for like two hours. Went to the ER, was severely dehydrated. Had two full bags of IV put in me. Had extreme stomach pain so they thought maybe a kidney stone or appendicitis. Nothing popped up on a CT scan. They thought it was the 24 hour flu, but I rarely get the flu and when I do it's never that bad. Honestly I think it was tainted honey and I got food poisoning.

4 mo
I stepped on the scale... I lost 10 pounds in one day. Jesus.
What's the sickest you ever been (gross warning)?
6 Opinion