What's a condiment that you put on nearly everything and people consider your habit weird/disgusting?


For me its BBQ sauce. And i’m quite picky with the types. But i eat some of everything with it— burgers, hot dogs, chicken, steak, hashbrowns, fries, macaroni, etc. I started eating hot sauce a few years ago and could see it becoming a secondary habit on certain foods like rice, greens, mashed potatoes, chicken, etc. However, it was nowhere near as bad as my habit with BBQ sauce!! My dude said the last thing I can do at a dinner with his parents is put BBQ sauce on one of his dad’s famous steaks. Lmao that ole man can kick rocks because if you cook steak, I’m bringing BBQ sauce AND im eating the steak like its a hamburger 😂🤣 My dude said he’d be so pissed if i did this but like come on, he does this shit all the time with the icky condiments like mayo, pickles, garlic, relish, honey mustard, vinegar, etc. If he can do it, why can’t i 🤷‍♀️ #FeelFreeToList

Barbecue Sauce
Hot Sauce
Ranch Dressing
Other (name it)
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What's a condiment that you put on nearly everything and people consider your habit weird/disgusting?
44 Opinion