No one likes to be short changed in the sausage dept but sometimes a long one can be more trouble than it's worth if you can't get it all inside.
So when it comes down to sausage size, what's the most frustrating, a little one lost in the bun, or one that sticks out both ends?
- 16 d
There is no incorrect size of sausage , it’s the selection of the correct baked offering to accommodate the meat flavored delight. From the bulky bratwurst to the cheeky chipolata they will always fit the bill if used with the correct bread flavored housing. The most satisfying however depends on your appetite , sometimes the tip of a Cumberland is all you can take before your full , other times a medium sized Spanish or Italian can leave your sandwich shaped void wanting more.
Equally important has to be the condiment , there always should be a saucy accompaniment… nobody likes a dry sausage offering.10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
Is food & Beverage REALLY in the right Topic for your question Poppy?
Don't you have fitting buns for the sausages? You know, before the bun might get too dry when there is too less sausage in it or the sausage breaks, because it's too long. Both are horrible choices... in many different areas of life 😂😂😂😂
Sorry but I Can't stop laughing since 20 minutes... I will not believe that you wrote that question without constantly laughing about it 😂😂
12 Reply- 17 d
This is an entirely innocent question about sausages
- 17 d
You know what's troubling... My last supermarket shop the only protein I bought was sausages because they were the only thing that had a reasonable price point 😂 they're all fuckin pork too. Pork fennel fresh sausages, frankfurters, and chorizo.
But to answer the question a little one los in the bun is much worse. Especially if the bun is dry. If there was some extra special sauce maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
Innuendos absolutely intended. 🤪
11 Reply
- 17 d
I’ll take a long sausage over a short one any day. Simply because if my mouth cannot accommodate all that meat, the extra is stored for next time or eventually when there’s space.
Where is the fun in one bites? It’ll always leave me wanting more.10 Reply
AI Opinion
The "overhang" of a sausage is quite relatable. A sausage that's too long for the bun might initially seem tempting, but it often leads to a series of awkward bites and a messy experience, distracting from its savory essence. On the other hand, a sausage that's too small for the bun might lead to a disappointing, bread-heavy bite. For me, flavor is king, but balance surely elevates the eating experience. In Italy’s street food, they've mastered the art of proportional sausage sandwiches, ensuring each bite is evenly delightful. 🍴
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.9K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. It's very common topic in different fora
20 Reply- 18 d
Ask Boris Johnson, pun intended. 🤪
20 Reply No matter what, throwing a hotdog down a hallway is the worst.
Make way for the fat dog, the raw dog, the best dog:
20 Reply- 17 d
Too short because you want a nice hot dog to eat at a BBQ not a small dog…. Too long is obnoxious not fitting the bun, though too short is not enough meat for your BBQ.
Give me too long dog or give me death lol
10 Reply - 17 d
You can’t be coming up short like that😂
10 Reply The IKEA hot dog bun is shorter than the sausage but they used to be amazing. But now they changed the hot dogs and the buns and they taste like shit. So I guess it depends on the quality :)
11 Reply- 18 d
Yeah, I tried IKEA food a while ago and was astonished about the low quality.
- 17 d
I have no problems with the sausage. But I feel that some buns just aren't made the right way.
In such cases I keep both separated and hope for better times :)
10 Reply - 18 d
In sausages, or hot dogs, SIZE DOES MATTER!!!
20 Reply - 17 d
Size matters. The bun needs to be filled out, anything else is a disappointment.
10 Reply Hmmm... I definitely don't wanna be hungry after the meal. A long one would satisfy me in one sitting probably.
The short one? Just give me more than one. So maybe two or three... some... that'll work lol
00 ReplyActually, if you get them relaxed, most women will tell you that how you perform is more important than what you have. Besides, the most important tools are near the top of a man's body, not his midsection.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)18 d
When she can’t swallow the whole thing at once.
20 Reply - 18 d
Too short 😁👀😊 however only ladies would feel extra strongly about too short 😁😉
11 Reply- 18 d
I wouldn't know, 😘
5.8K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. size doesn’t matter when it comes to food you can always have seconds
10 Reply- 17 d
They both need more beef added to them as they are to damn skinny. Need um nice fat and juicy!
00 Reply 4K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. I think @purplepoppy is having a phallic fixation.
00 ReplyIf the sausage is too long. It gives you a bit of juicy meat to nibble on before reaching the bread and condiments!
00 Reply- 17 d
Too short is worse and lovers of boring pancakes also seem frustrated
00 Reply 329 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Too short is worse, you might need three of them, only longer ones satisfy by themselves,,,
00 Reply413 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. I would fit nicely in a bun,, 8”, just the right size
13 Reply505 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. A limp sausage with no snap is the worst sausage of all….
00 Reply- 15 d
When someone in my family leaves a sausage and it's either been bit on
00 Reply 521 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. @purplepoppy i would be ok with any size sausage, I’m not picky
00 ReplyWhen the sausage goes inside and feels no lubrication due to to the owner of the sausage in some cases not doing enough foreplay.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)17 d
Too short and are we really talking about hot dogs here?😆
00 Reply - 18 d
I literally giggle at this lol
31 Reply I like medium (average sized) ones!
00 Reply- 16 d
Not finding a bun to put it in.
00 Reply - 17 d
Really? Grow up.
00 Reply Too short because then you’re eating bread
00 Reply
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