I huge fan of booths.
Booth for me many times just cause it allows me to slouch lol or not hold in my belly as I go to town on a juicy burger. The tables feel also very OUT IN THE OPEN and everyone can see you on a 360 view I feel. I only do tables when in large groups. Cause then I have human shields lol
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If I'm out and about and just want a quick bite to eat, I go to a booth. Otherwise, I find it nicer to sit comfortably while eating.
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What Girls & Guys Said
1.9K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Booth. I'm extrovert and have no problem people are watching me but not while eating
31 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Booths. They are more comfortable and also more intimate.
00 Reply- 10 d
Booths, always booths. Even when the whole family gathers, sometimes we can get adjacent booths to handle all 12 of us.
20 Reply - 10 d
I asked this same question a year ago. Booth was the preferred answer. Let's see what people say this year.
It's interesting that GaG put this question on the main page, using the picture I used in my question last year.
00 Reply Don't really mind. As long as there's food and the company is good, lol.
20 Reply- 11 d
Table, you clearly haven't made enough people move for you using them booths 😂
10 Reply 818 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. booth, i feel cozier and safer, and not all up in the way like i would at a table. plus i have more room and more seat room for my bag
00 Reply- 10 d
I want the cushion lol @Eros91
10 Reply 656 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. If the both is big enough, I'd prefer that.
20 Reply5.8K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. A Booth is a lot more fancier, a lot bigger and a lot more comfortable
20 Reply- 9 d
I prefer tables, but not strongly enough to request a table.
00 Reply - 10 d
Booths. Often so much better padded, more comfortable, and certainly more private.
00 Reply - 10 d
Booth for me, but I don't mind a table when there's no free booth.
00 Reply I like booths if I am with a girl. It has a more intimate feel
00 ReplyBooths are more comfortable to sit at in my opinion
00 Reply- 10 d
Booths are better
32 Reply- 10 d
How are you spending valentines day? A hot date out, booth? 😃😍👌🏻
- 10 d
@purplepoppy pop 🎉
- 10 d
I'm lean. Booth please.
20 Reply u
10 dI like booth seats.
10 ReplyBooth is more comfortable so booth
10 Reply2.4K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Booth
10 ReplyI like booths! 🛋
10 Reply- 10 d
Booth for the comfort
10 Reply Booth and sit on the same side. 😁
10 ReplyBooth more... privacy ;)
00 Reply- 10 d
Definitely booth. It’s American luxury
10 Reply - 11 d
Booth more private
30 Reply - 10 d
BOOTHS hands down
10 Reply 342 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Booth
20 Reply- 8 d
Booth! With a window :p
00 Reply 4K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. I like the intimacy of a booth.
00 Reply4.1K opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. If possible I will take a booth.
10 ReplyBooth, please.
10 Reply684 opinions shared on Food & Beverage topic. Booths as they are more comfortable
00 Reply- 10 d
Booth, with my back to the wall ,😉
00 Reply Booth
10 Reply- 10 d
I like booths
10 Reply - 10 d
10 Reply - 11 d
20 Reply - 10 d
00 Reply - 10 d
10 Reply - 10 d
00 Reply - 9 d
Booth 100%
00 Reply - 10 d
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