You Think Too Much!


I've heard this many times in my life. Honestly, I don't really get it (feel free to explain it to me though). Most of the time I don't think that much about things at all, I'm not neurotic and when I talk to people, I'm in the moment and engaged. However, this statement "you think too much" comes up a lot. But sometimes, as a guy, I feel like I have to think too much.

You Think Too Much!

I've been called 'mean' before. When I don't want to see a girl again, or when I feel like I should just stay friends with her, I tell her, directly, and I also give a clear, realistic and rational explanation as to why. In the past I may have done it too bluntly but now I feel like I can do it in an adult way such that there is no ambiguity and a minimal amount of hurt feelings. I have never gotten anything similar from a girl.

How can someone not think too much under circumstances like that? Guys are expected to 'read signals' to determine if a girl likes them. Conveniently, even this isn't enough, as some girls will say, "guys always confuse my niceness for flirting" or "I'm just a natural flirt and I flirt with everyone." Yeah. That makes life a lot easier. Anyway, I find myself over-analyzing texts from girls because I'm just trying to do what seems to be expected of me and read their 'signs.'

For those of you that say that signs from girls should be obvious and clear in order for things to move forward, that is totally impractical and exceedingly rare. I have never heard any direct expression of interest from a girl unless they were drunk. Even when I only found out later that a girl liked me, I would have never determined that from her behavior at all.

Message to girls: I'm not thinking too much because I'm insecure. I'm thinking too much because I feel like you are and because that's what I feel like I have to do.

Thanks for reading.

You Think Too Much!
13 Opinion