The Great Texting Divide: Girls, Please Explain


"You know, what you're holding in your hands is, in fact, a phone. You can use it to talk to someone."

This is what I and many of my male friends have wanted to say to girls dozens of times. Apparently, everyone these days has a smartphone and everyone texts. And of course, men text as well; sometimes, they text a lot more often than girls, especially if they're sneaking in some correspondence at work. But in general and in my experience, it really does seem as if females gravitate toward this silent form of communication and actually prefer it to, you know, real conversation.

It just doesn't make much sense.

The Great Texting Divide: Girls, Please Explain

Thing is, it's a documented fact that while all human beings are social creatures, women tend to be more sociable in general. They have more friends, they form longer-lasting and more intimate friendships, and they're often more sensitive. This isn't the old-fashioned "oh, girls are just all weepy and emotional" argument; that's outdated and untrue, of course. This is just one of those differences between males and females that really can't be refuted: Women are not only more likely to be sociable, they're also more likely to be better at it. Sorry guys, but this has always - and will forever be - true. On the flip side, it's also typically true that men are more private (believe it or not, ladies).

So why the hell are you girls so hooked on texting?!

Something just isn't adding up. By all rights, it should be men who would opt for texting, because they don't have to talk and they can take their time, decide exactly what they want to say. And yet, I've got friends who are going CRAZY trying to get girls they date - or even girls who are just friends - to actually pick up the phone. My best friend told me that he once responded to a text by calling a girl, and she actually got all pissy and told him he should've just sent a text back. It's not like she was indisposed, either; she was just sitting home. Bizarre.

Don't get me wrong; men are part of the problem, too, per this video below. There's altogether too much texting going on.

That being said, just from personal experience, it really does seem as if females are all about texting, especially during the early stages of a relationship. Perhaps it's a precaution? Maybe you're just being smart about getting too close too soon...? Is that part of it?

I've done online dating as have most of my friends, and we all find it a little difficult because women so often restrict their communication to tapping away on a screen. They will prefer "texting conversations" as opposed to real conversations when we first "meet" but there has to be an explanation for this. So, on behalf of all my confused and frustrated friends (and myself), I'm appealing to all you women out there:

Please, do us a favor and explain. We don't get it. We don't believe we can get to know you better through a text message, and if we want to chat, shouldn't you like that? Haven't women been getting on men's cases for being non-communicative for like, eons? What's the deal, ladies?

Help us understand! And guys, I'd be interested to know if you've had similar experiences.

The Great Texting Divide: Girls, Please Explain
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