3 Things a Woman Should Never Do If She Wants A Man

3 Things a Woman Should Never Do If She Wants A Man

Guys making mistakes with women is completely natural and common as hell, but the other way round? It's actually more common than you think. But we make our mistakes from penile-induced stupidity, and they make theirs from instinctive survival instincts and, let's face it, lack of logic. But if you never do these three things, ladies, you've got a pretty good chance not to die alone.

#1) Rejecting date offers from guys who are obviously nice, smart and handsome, and Friendzone them.

Seriously? Girls you'll go for the fat ugly thug any day of the week, but never the nice tall smart guy, and then end up on welfare, in the ghetto with four children, and in a really shitty Ike and Tina sort of relationship. Plus how do you think the nice guy you rejected feels? Do you not have a soul you stupid cow?! When you tell a man, let's just be friends, we always interpret that as, "You're not good enough to even have a one-night stand with, so I'm just gonna torture you emotionally."

3 Things a Woman Should Never Do If She Wants A Man

#2) Giving him your body too early (with the exception that he really needs it.)

By letting him put his tongue or willy inside you, or feeling you up too early, unless he would be very grateful and in your debt for the privilege, you are effectively telling him, "I'm too shitty of a woman to impress you with my looks and personality, so I'm just gonna do this all the time. *strips down, sits on his face and puts his hands on her boobies*." Then he'll take take advantage of you and probably start searching for a better woman.

#3) Making him spend heaps of money on you, and drive you around, and then give him nothing in return.

Do this, and you're raising red flags that you're a gold-digger. The men that need gold-diggers in their lives are men who are shitty and ugly as human beings, that they need money for women to desire them(which for a man, is a consolation prize for being unattractive and psychotic. Always offer to pay on dates, and then he'll insist to pay because he'll know you're genuine. If you can, drive HIM around instead.

I hope this will help you girls. And I am a man, so who better to give you advice on dating them?

3 Things a Woman Should Never Do If She Wants A Man
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