Why Feminism is Bad

Why Feminism is Bad


Its name is derived from feminine but there's nothing feminine about it. It preaches freedom for women up to the point of excess. When humans have total freedom they are subjected to only their instincts and urges. Femininity is adapted to women's monthly and life cycle alike unlike the total freedom preached by feminism. Femininity is the reason that tempers women's urges, just like masculinity is adapted to the masculine daily cycle and life cycle and tempers men's urges with reason.

Why Feminism is Bad


Feminism has become a tool used by the market to pull women into the corporate hierarchy. Its not healthy preaching about equality all the time and then telling women to go enter the merciless corporate pecking order. When too many women compete with men for too many jobs some of that competitiveness will flow over into social life and men and women will start to compete for all sorts of things without feminism there would be no competition for. The corporate world is not attuned to women's monthly and life cycle, nor is it attuned to men's daily and life cycle. In an ideal world neither men nor women should have to enter this ruthless and artificial hierarchy.

Why Feminism is Bad


Feminism has sold the super mom ideal to women like hot buns. Women now believe it is perfectly possible for them to get up in the morning, drop the kids off at a daycare center, go to work, come back, pick up the kids, go home, cook, do the household etc. No, it is not perfectly possible, it is masochism, it is madness.

Why Feminism is Bad
Why Feminism is Bad
57 Opinion