A tomboy can still be a tomboy even when she wears dresses and pink

A tomboy can still be a tomboy even when she wears dresses and pink

You know what over my years I've had lots of hate and its not only because I like parkour and act like a stereotypical boy and don't start drama and despise makeup..

No its because my favourite colour is pink and I wear whatever I want. Believe it or not, if you are a tomboy and you are really masculine and than you wear a dress or skirt, people go absolutely ballistic.

The same goes for wearing makeup?

So whats so bad about this, whats so bad about people being happy that I chose to go feminine, thats exactly whats bad about it. Its not feminine, why must we see pink and certain clothing as for females?

Why is wearing pink or a dress seen as girly...its like you're implying that men can't wear dresses or the colour pink, and to be honest, if you really are a tomboy than why the hell do you give a crap about a colour...

Thats not laid back and chill at all, thats acting actually stereo-typically feminine and complaining about something as stupid as a colour, yes its pink, so what?, do you only hate pink because everyone see's it as a feminine colour?. Just Grow some bloody balls and suck it up, because saying

"Ew its too girly" or "I'm not going out wearing a dress, thats not hardcore at all" Just be quiet because you whining and complaining makes you sound weak. You know what I say when I'm asked what I want to wear, and I get passed a dress, "Okay sure why not?" but only if I wear shorts underneath..

Seriously, its not a big deal, true tomboys in my opinion shouldn't care about clothing because unless you really are into fashion, than why the heck do you care.

Now let me get this straight, I am not mad at girls or guys who think that pink is a feminine colour and associated with weakness, nor am I mad with them for thinking dresses are too girly.

But if you only think this way because the rest of society does, than what are you doing?

If we all just let everyone wear what they want, let both girls and guys have no shirts on or let boys wear dresses and no one picks on them and let anyone wear pink, we would have no problem, and than no tomboy would say "Thats way too girly >:("

Because stereo typically men don't really care about fashion, so why do you?.

Stop caring what other people think and try on a dress. Clothing doesn't change your personality.

By the way, why do we even have a word called "Tomboy", why must we categorize people like that. Humans are far too superior and complex for silly labels that take away the fact that you are a contradiction.

A good label

An Artist is someone that likes art. And that is open to discussion

A bad label

A tomboy. This shows that a girl acting masculine automatically places them in a box, and you will only instantly assume they like video games or sports, but they could just be themselves, this also implies that males all like sports and video games.

Thankyou for reading

A tomboy can still be a tomboy even when she wears dresses and pink
14 Opinion