Why I Think Being An Introvert Is Ruining My Life


First of all I'd like to address that I was always a shy and closed type of person, never have been one to embrace the love from guys who noticeably wanted to have sex with me. I've grown a custom to being by myself that I feel like I'm missing out on one of the most beautiful aspects of life.

1. Spending time alone

Why I Think Being An Introvert Is Ruining My Life

I think this one is fairly important so I'm going to quickly go over it, I spend a lot of my time at home with little to no social interaction outside my family. This has put a strain on my social skills and makes incredibly awkward conversations with other people. I feel as though when I try to go out and spend time with others I panic and become afraid of going through with it. Perhaps the most stressful thing is going to work and coming home with nothing to do besides cleaning the house alone. It's awful spending so much time alone because you miss the best parts of life.

2. Slow to embrace new company

Why I Think Being An Introvert Is Ruining My Life

I struggle a lot when it comes to finding friends and a potential boyfriend, guys write me off as too boring in conversations or not what they expected and calls the dates off. It's very hard on my love life and social life knowing that being introverted as pretty much ruined the common core aspects of finding love or even close friends. Interaction with others should come naturally but not for me, unfortunately this is something I've accepted and have a hard time stepping out of my comfort zone to try again. The idea of being around others makes me scared which is why I think that being introverted has hurt my ability to make friends.

3. Afraid of people

Why I Think Being An Introvert Is Ruining My Life

And lastly something I want to say is frankly being as shy as I am, being in large crowds or around people in general raises my anxiety levels way past my usual normal self when I'm alone and secluded by myself. This ties in with the making new friends thing because I'm a social disaster in public settings. I think if I were less afraid and spread my wings a bit then maybe I could get past these problems one by one, until then though.. being an introvert has ruined my social life and many aspects of my sexual life as well.

4. Struggling to adjust to social queues and normalities

Why I Think Being An Introvert Is Ruining My Life

One other thing I struggle greatly with is learning how to read other people when they talk and how they react, this is something that has been plaguing my mind when it comes to socializing. The fact that I'm unable to tell when a guy clearly likes me is startling, brushing off love for a friendship, breaking many guys hearts. It's something I fail to see until it's too late. No one has a book in their head about how to act around others and social norms is another thing that I still continue to pick up on and struggle with still to this day. It's something that you have to learn over time but it seems like I was very late in learning these things.

If you made it this far, then thank you for reading, and I hope you are able to prevent the same mistakes I have gone through.

Why I Think Being An Introvert Is Ruining My Life
86 Opinion