Why Depression Sucks Along With Anxiety!


From my point of view and how I deal with these mood swings, they're annoying but, I got used to it eventually. During the school a few years back, I got picked on for no reason at all and, that came out to be the start of the depression. Either way, no one wanted to be friends with me and the teachers would yell at me. It finally catches up to me now in so many wrong ways.

One is trying to be happy, but, it fall's down somehow in the middle of the day. And, you don't know how that happened for no reason. Then, it's hard to fix it when you don't know how to do that. Finally, you give up not caring about anything and lay there in your bed. Staring at your ceiling until you feel better or pass out. Depression makes you tired and has fatigue that doesn't go away.

Two, you don't know how to explain your feelings to someone who doesn't know depression. Let alone if they know what sadness is but, deeper. It's hard to know what you're feeling inside and not knowing it yourself. One feeling I get is hollow inside me and someone to piece me back together like a puzzle. Not knowing what it is, I can't get rid of the feeling until I sleep for the night.

Three, not wanting to do anything that you used to like. Or, trying to pick up something new is difficult. Even trying to get out of the house and do little things, here and there. Luckily for me, I picked up bike riding and now, I seem to be enjoying something in life. Another point, if you have depression, you can read as many books as you can. It makes me feel better when I cry sometimes and, I start to laugh lightly to myself.

Four, you tend to find yourself lying to others to keep them away. I have it hard enough at work and I don't like talking to other people. I push people away because I know I'm going to lie. I've done it multiple times in my life and tried to get my way. It never works and I feel more lonely.

Five, you get tired for no reason during the day. You wake up at a good time for a new day and you seem okay. But, ends up you are still sleepy and wanting to go under the covers again. You start getting sleeping problems like wanting to go to bed late or waking up in the afternoon.

Six, you try to trick yourself in enjoying things and then it ends up to be nothing. Even though you're trying so hard at it, it falls in bits of pieces. Try doing small pieces that end up to be bigger than you can imagine.

Why Depression Sucks Along With Anxiety!

Seven, you get scared for no reason in the middle of the night or when you are walking someplace. You get jumpy as well so you look over your shoulder like you've done something wrong. You start walking faster to get to your destination but that doesn't seem enough to do.

You get scared to talk to people now and uncomfortable to make a fool of yourself. Or you're scared to get a new job and afraid what other people think about you. And finally, when it comes to love, you're afraid to fall in love with someone. But, you want to be alone with your depression and still want someone to hold you to say "you're going to be fine" or "I'll go through it with you."

Eight, you start getting more sensitive inside and out; by words that might not hurt you in a way, it shouldn't. Random little words tend to make you cry for no reason. When someone touches you when you think otherwise they shouldn't have. Like you like them in a way but getting separated by depression or anxiety. You think differently than you used to.
Being scared to be on my own now seems like my anxiety is getting worse. When I'm in the car I freak out if someone is going to hit me or going to kill me. I get this feeling when I go to fast or do something stupid on the road.

Nine, when people say wrong words to you that make you feel worse about your self. Everything goes downhill and won't come up until you don't see them anymore. "Snap out of it" or "cheer up" or "you're just looking for attention" Seem so bad and cruel because they don't know what it's like to be depressed. It's just wrong for someone to push you like that even though they think they are helping.

Ten, anxiety makes you have sleeping problems like sleeping too much or too little. That can still make you tired and want to sleep even more. You tend to shake sometimes or talk a bit differently than usual. Your breathing tends to be short and your chest feels different like there is something in there. Anxiety is stressful as it is and it's hard to cope with sometimes. Even you start to get annoyed and irritable that makes people, not like you.

I don't get out much because of all these thing's I said. I will go to work but not for fun. It makes me lonely, yes, but somehow it should stay like this. I'm afraid of everything to change because I might worsen with depression and anxiety.

Why Depression Sucks Along With Anxiety!
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