Confidence and Assertiveness is NOT a "male trait."

Confidence and Assertiveness is NOT a "male trait."

Going to be dropping some nuanced opinions here. You have been warned.

I've been hearing this way too often on here:
"Why can't I get him to ask for my number?"
"Why won't he approach me?"
"How do I make myself more attractive to get guys to notice me?"
"Notice me senpai!!!"

Women, learn to take the initiative for once in your lives. Many of you are shutting out amazing opportunities by choosing to remain passive. Approach the guy you find attractive and start a conversation, ask for his number, and feel perfectly fine doing so. Just because you have a pussy, doesn't mean you have to act like one.

Assertiveness and Confidence are NOT "male traits." They carry a masculine nature, sure, but every human being has a masculine and a feminine presence. Creativity and emotions are feminine. Logic and goal setting is masculine. You are not restricted to either side. In fact, you should learn to hone and master all those traits no matter what set of sexual organs you happen to have.

"That's insane. I am a woman. I am supposed to get approached.
In my culture, women don't chase men. They get chased."

Confidence and Assertiveness is NOT a "male trait."

Conditioning and culture is no excuse for you not to have assertiveness and confidence, and it certainly is no excuse for you to feel uncomfortable approaching others. When you program yourself with such defeating thoughts, you do yourself a disservice by limiting your potential. You could be a leader, someone who looks up to you. You can be anything you want to be, but instead you keep feeding yourself the same dogma "but I'm a girl!"

If you're afraid of being called a 'slut' for doing so, then guess what? Confidence takes that worries away. Because why should you have to suffer for some stupid comment made from someone you don't even care about? Adopt an "I don't give a sh*t what you think of me. I'm still more of a bad*ss than you!"

Succesful people didn't wait for things to happen to them and they don't make excuses. They push themselves to try new things and experiment. They sought opportunities and they go after their dreams, not even paying mind to how difficult it may be. If you see a guy you find attractive, stop standing around with your thumb up your ass, go up to him!

Confidence and Assertiveness is NOT a "male trait."

Can guys get intimidated if they are approached by a woman? Sure. Women also can get intimidated when approached by guys, and guys can be more enthralled when a woman acknolwedges them out of the blue (I'm one of them.) We are dynamic beings. We all come in different flavors. Hell, many people in the world are transgenders (and this site does a poor job representing them in all honesty.) Having a phallus and a set of balls doesn't make me automatically like football and beer (though I do think about sex a lot.)

You don't have to sacrafice your identity to be confident and assertive. You don't have to change your interests and your career path to adopt a more powerful mindset. You don't even have to approach a lot of guys to find the one you like. Sure you can sit and wait for guys to come to you, and that may be working for many of you. But if that isn't working then you can either quit whining, make a change or accept it. Otherwise you're making yourself miserable. And no one likes women who make themselves needlessly miserable. So why not try something different and adopt an "alpha woman" attitude?

Women, you have nothing to lose by approaching a guy, but you have a lot to gain from it.

Confidence and Assertiveness is NOT a "male trait."

Confidence and Assertiveness is NOT a "male trait."
Post Opinion