Why do girls reject you?


Why do girls reject you?

So, you've been asking girls out, but none of them want anything to do with you? Believe it or not there ARE reasons she's rejecting you and some of it is your fault! (but not completely)

I see on here all the time guys asking "How do I get her to like me?" or "How do I attract a girl" and the one that always hits home "Why do girls like jerks?"

The number one reason I could ever think of rejecting a guy (without a second thought) Is that they aren't being themselves! Believe it or not, we do not want you to put on an act for us, and we know you're doing it. Some girls, whether it be ignorance or if they somehow think it's adorable, think it's okay. Most girls will see through that. Don't agree with everything they're saying. If they wanted to talk to their twin they would talk to a mirror.

Second, when you're trying to jumpstart the conversation, you didn't actually think of anything to say. Hey how are you and whats up don't exactly catch our attention and it's easy to diffuse. We aren't going to make an effort if we think it's a waste of time. You really have to do a little research and find out what she likes and ask about that. Say something that requires a real answer and once you get her talking, she won't stop. I'll do a follow up on how to shut her up (totally kidding)

Third and final, the dates. If I go to another dinner and a movie I'm going to vomit. It's totally boring and no fun for anyone and not to mention extremely awkward. Not trying to be mean but starting at someone eating and trying to talk to break awkward silence isn't my idea of a good time. Try taking her bowling or paintballing. "Girls just want to have fun" For example: The most fun I had on dates was going to a billiard hall. I got good at it later, but that way I can talk and poke fun and vice versa.

So there you have it!

Why do girls reject you?
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