Being feminine and why its treasured


Yes, i know, there are a lot of tomboys and stuff out there. I know im part tom boy myself. But today im going to talk about being femimine and why its so valued now.

Being feminine does'nt just mean liking rainbows, sunshine and unicorns, but it means life. Notice how females are the only ones able to bring life into the earth. Femininity also means to nurture and love. To be able to be vulnerable. This also doesn't mean to be weak but to let hard times be able to make you realize that we don't have to be cold hearted but to bring out the purpose of those hard times coming to pass.

You meet a lot of girls these days who are considered as "sluts" or "hoes". Those girls that push everyone away and even chase them out. You meet so much people with the moral of their life is "all for me and more for me" But just because equal rights is common now doesn't mean we should start loosing the value of being a girl.

You can be confident and feel beautiful.

What are your takes on femininity??

Being feminine and why its treasured

Being feminine and why its treasured
15 Opinion