What do you think about fidel castro banging 35,000 women?

"He slept with at least two women a day for more than four decades - one for lunch and one for supper," The New York Post quoted an ex-Castro official named "Ramon" as telling filmmaker Ian Halperin. "Sometimes he even ordered one for breakfast," the official said.

That's actually believable when you practically own a country. Let's say you were in his position and you could pick ANY hot girls at ANY time. Man I woulda done what he did until I died and I think a lot of guys would too. I don't know about females, would you girls love to get banged by 35,000 hot men?
Woulda done what he did. AMAZING!
Nah... maybe for a little while but not 35,000.
What a pig.
Mens are pigs.
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What do you think about fidel castro banging 35,000 women?
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