Lesbian mixed signals... help!! (details in post)?

I am a lesbian. There is a girl I was getting close to who is also a lesbian. We were getting close as friends, comfortable that we understood the struggles that can come with being gay. Then, out of nowhere she started to pull away. It was after she started to pull away that I realize I might like her as more than a friend...but I am not sure she would ever feel the same. I don't know if she is pulling away because she doesn't like me or if it is because she was flirting and I was ignoring it. Last night we were talking about relationships and she said "I keep finding perfect girls who are either straight or dont notice my attempts" and then today she was being super rude. The on/off friendly/rude has gone on for a few weeks and I am confused and sad. Today she said "its a good thing you aren't a guy, you would have horrible luck" I am failing to understand her, I feel like now she is just being mean. Advice? What should I do? Please help!
Lesbian mixed signals... help!! (details in post)?
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