Girls, If a guy gets rated a 7 or a 7.5 out of 10 based on looks what does it mean?

Ok... me and my friends went in this mini "challenge" where we got rated based on our looks (true ratings) and mostly I got rated a 7 or a 7.5 / 10 (one or two 6/10 , 8/10)

this is me. apparently I looked "better" with longer hair

me with shorter hair (from 2 months ago):

1) https://i. imgur. com/0xs7mMo. png

2) https://i. imgur. com/b9aNXVt. png

3) https://i. imgur. com/U4LCVOn. png

me with longer hair (from cca a year ago):

1) https://i. imgur. com/wz1elCX. png

close up of eye and face

https://i. imgur. com/1s97AmA. jpg
Girls, If a guy gets rated a 7 or a 7.5 out of 10 based on looks what does it mean?
10 Opinion