"Guys use 5-6 girls for sex while chasing the hot ones (7+ girls) to date" Is it true?


My hot friend always gets chased by men who want to date her and treat her very respectfully, even by strangers on dating apps who don't know her on a personal level while men only approach me for sex and never try to have try to have a decent conversation with me. I would rate myself a 6/10, she however is a solid 9 according to male friends. I never dress slutty and never cry for attention.

Is it because I'm not pretty enough? I was never put on a pedestal like she was and men are rarely shy to be touchy with me while they are cautious and civil with her.

"Guys use 5-6 girls for sex while chasing the hot ones (7+ girls) to date" Is it true?
3 Opinion