Why didn't he mention he has a girlfriend? Was I played?

In my biology lab I met this guy who I talked to frequently. The conversations were long and interesting, and I felt like he was attracted to me because I would sometimes catch him staring at me.

After the semester ended and school started back up again, When I saw him again unexpectedly, he gave me a hug, and complimented me. I told him where I worked on campus, and the following week he came to my job because he wanted to "talk". I talked to him about casual stuff and without hesitating he said he was very "busy" this weekend. He always asks me what I'm doing after my shift ends to I guess chill before classes. I added him on facebook to find out he has a girlfriend.

Why didn't he tell me he had a girlfriend when I saw him the first time. I had to find out through facebook which annoys me because he doesn't act like he has a girlfriend around me. I know you aren't obligated to mention personal stuff but in the past when I was dating a guy I told him. I figured the "friendship" was more casual. If you wanna be friends you usually disclose stuff like that!

Help Guys!
Why didn't he mention he has a girlfriend? Was I played?
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