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Women had body hair but they can choose to leave it or shave it off or maybe trim it. I felt bad for this one girl who had hairy legs which is very obvious even if I’m 2 m away from her. She never dared wears shorts because it will show her hairy legs. Some guys will never understand what it’s like being a hairy woman. Shaving takes up lots of time and effort, there’s a possibility she will get razor cuts on the area she is shaving or itchiness after shaving. Plucking hurts but doesn’t leave any cuts or itchiness. And lastly laser hair removals are considered expensive af unless she is lucky to get 6 sessions plus 2 free at $360. I’m considered a little hairy, my parents don’t have hair on their fingers and I always envied them. I ended up plucking them every 3 days. I also pluck some of my underarm hairs. The rest I leave it because it’s too much work and it’s not obvious at all if I’m heading out or wearing shorts. Women need more rights to choose to do what they want with their bodies, even if lesser guys are less attracted by them at least its better to be single than to attract guys who force you to remove all body hair without respecting your decision. I know guys need more rights too but women also need just 1 right which is choosing to shave it or leave it
+1 y
Oops I forgot to add, women should also get equal pay and be treated with respect too
+1 y
And guys shouldn’t be expected to pay everything for dates.
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12 Opinion