It's much much harder for men to be considered sexy so we can't be equals with women?

-Be 6'3"
-Spend years building muscles ($45,000 a year on nutrient-rich and high protein intake)
-Square jawline surgery ($50,000)
-Voice box surgery for deep sexy voice ($5,000)
-No receding hair ($15,000)
-Need expensive car
-Need an alpha male job and be the boss (Damn near impossible)
-Big house or some high end place in New York
-Must have god like confidence and perfect personality and be funny

-Be any height
-Be any weight except fat
-Have any jawline
-Have any voice
-Any hair except bald
-Don't need flashy car
-Don't need to be alpha
-Don't need a house
-Have any personality

If you gag guys don't look like this you aren't sexy.
Giga Chad
Giga Chad
Looksmax aka looks game. Jawlines women think are sexy
Its much much harder for men to be considered sexy so we cant be equals with women?
Its much much harder for men to be considered sexy so we cant be equals with women?
It's much much harder for men to be considered sexy so we can't be equals with women?
6 Opinion