Boy looses testicles on being kicked by a girl?

This is from a terrifying case i read about in which a guy probably 17-18 years old groped and bullied a girl of the same age and the girl kicked him in his testicles so hard that he lost both his testicles (removed by surgery due to rupture) and also had to go through a urethral repairation surgery (8-12 hr long major surgery) to fix his broken penis. Now i feel very bad for that boy because even though what he did was very wrong but he certainly did not deserve that...
He can not have kids, Having no testicles will finish his sex life and problems like no body strength, male breast, no more masulanity and taking pills of testosterone for the rest of his life along with so many problems
Treatments and life long medicines + the surgery are aslo a lot of money he and his family has to pay now.
Where as the girl would walk away with nothing but just appreciated for her brave action.
But as i dived deeper into the case i also came across the fact that the girl knew karv maga (a form of martial arts) and could have used many other methods to run away.
As the definition of self defence is " to use the bare minimum amount of force required to run away from attacker and not harm the attacker more than he/she intended to hurt you"
Infact using exxesive force in self defence is a punishable crime.
Now i dont know what happened later on to that boy and the girl and i am very curious.
That is why i am asking you guys. What according to you should happen to them if you were in power
Ps. I really hope that the girl gets sued or at least is made to pay for his hospital bills.
I feel what the girl did was perfect and i am satisfied with the damage she did, even more damage would have been better. The boy should be sued too.
I am totally satisfied with what the girl did but i dont think that now the boy should face charges
I feel that the girl should have used less force so as to not damage his parts and the boy should face charges
I feel what she did was very wrong and should be charged of her crimes and face consequences.
No one should face charges just the girl's family should pay money to that guys family as a settlement
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Boy looses testicles on being kicked by a girl?
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