Is my female friend attracted to my crush?

Well, this female friend of mine and my crush are friends, they are in same circle of friends where with one the boys she has relationship with. Her relationship with her boyfriend is a secret to the whole group. she only confessed to me that her boyfriend is her boyfriend. However, I was also communicating with my crush and I told her that he is on my mind. she encouraged me to confessed to my crush which I did and My crush did not reciprocate. for my Own good I blocked him form all social media and told my female friend not to talk about him infront of me. however, she always brings up my crush in every meet we have and in every conversation. Which I told her again again not to talk about him, but she always does the same thing, she always talks about my crush's pervious girlfriend, which made really insecure and I started to compare my self with her. It was very low point for my self esteem and I felt ugly of myself. But I could tell her that it is hurting me. Now, my female friend has a another who happens to like my crush so now she wants to set her friend with my crush which is completely fine as my crush do not like me but I do not want to be invested in his love life. He did not reciprocate my feelings even though he flirted with me for sev. eral days. I do not want to be near or hear about a person who hurt me. I do not my female friend is so invested in my crush's love life even though she has a boyfriend with she has secretive relationship.
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My crush also approached her as well. Recently He has invited her to see movies and last year he also compliments her that she is pretty. He wants to talk to her all day. my friend's best friend that my friend looks
Like my crushes ex and he likes her. May be all could be true but why she tells his every update.
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I want to know is she wants to date my crush then I will start maintaining distance from them.
Is my female friend attracted to my crush?
2 Opinion